Harmony Hope

Personal Ramblings as I search for ways to bring harmony to my chaotic life!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Air Crash Survivors

Harmony Hope
Can you believe it? What is this world coming to? "Victims" of the Air France crash in Toronto last week are filing law suits! They want money for their pain and suffering, 'emotional anguish', etc. Give me a f%#king break. YOU'RE ALIVE!! YOU'RE WELCOME. Hello Second chance! Why can't they just appreciate the fact that they are still alive? Why can't they say thank you to the pilot and crew that got them out alive? I think that they have completely missed the perfect opportunity to re-examine their lives; what's important to them; who's important to them; what their future holds in store for them. That's what I'd be doing, for sure. I would be so grateful that I didn't die.
I mean, come on, the staff of the flight were there too. I'm sure that they were scared. I'm sure their thoughts were running along similar lines. I don't see them suing their bosses for 'emotional trauma.'
I've heard that it's possible that there was a lightening strike and that's why the plane burst into flames. If that's true are they going to try to sue God? Like to see you win that case.
I've suffered emotional trauma in my life. I suffered a miscarriage. Who do I get to sue? God? My husband? The doctor? The hospital? My therapist?
No wonder society is in such a mesh.
Who should we sue for that?


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